Thursday, December 31, 2020

2020 Wrap-up

 What a year 2020 has been. Honestly, I think this year epitomizes the meaning of trials and tribulations. It was the year my wife and I welcomed our LO into our lives and she has been a bundle of joy and energy. But the year has also been challenging with the pandemic and changes to our working arrangements and environment. We are just thankful and hopeful that as we enter into 2021, the situation around us will improve and we will progress steadily towards normalcy.

We received $1135.84 this year in dividends. As we move towards 2021, we are looking to double this amount which would mean receiving ~$200 per month. Honestly, this is just one part of our portfolio and we do not mind the slow and steady progress (as long as there is progression).

We also did some tax optimization by doing some CPF voluntary top-ups. I am grateful that my wife sees value in doing this and planning for our family's future. She has made this journey towards financial security and eventually/hopefully independence is made easier and more enjoyable.

We will be going on a staycation sometime next month and will be doing a mini family-finance retreat as part of it. I am still working on the worksheets that will be made available to everyone who is interested. I feel that as a couple, if we understand what are each other's strengths and weaknesses when it comes to financial planning and spending patterns, it will make the relationship a lot stronger.

In my next post, I will be updating on our 2021 investment direction and strategy. No we won't be going into active trading but we are looking at stocks and ETFs that will grant us some growth and overseas exposure.

Here's wishing that everyone stays safe and healthy as we usher in the New Year!

SG FI Dad, out.

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Thoughts On The Recent Market Correction


Mr Market recently went on a correction spree and the market was filled with way too much red in the last week or so. That got me thinking, how do people react when such things happen? Do we panic and go into a selling frenzy? Or should we take a step back and try to think rationally about the initial reasons that we bought into a certain company in the first place.

Reading the thoughts of other finance bloggers and users on apps like InvestingNote really puts some things into perspective. I think it is only human to panic and feel some emotion when something that you are vested in takes a hit/plunge. But going beyond that, the fundementals of the company and the track record of its management should provide us with some assurances to tide us over this period of volatility. I am definitely not immune to being scared and have a support system of people I trust that I can turn to for their opinions and absorb alternative viewpoints so that the final decision made is as informed as possible.

Going forward into the month, I am planning on creating a worksheet for couples (married or not) to approach the topic of money and finance in Singapore's context. If you have anything you want to see in this, please holler at me or drop me a comment and I will take your suggestion into consideration.

Share with me your thoughts as we enter the last two months of 2020!

SG FI Dad, out.

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

ICYMI: Google Pay Promo and Upcoming 11.11 Sale!

Great news! Google Pay has extended their current promotion for new sign-ups. 

You can sign up through this link and get $5 for free! You just need your phone and download the Google Pay application. There are other offers and rewards inside. To check out a step by step guide on setting up your application, you can refer to my older post here.

In other news, 11.11 is coming up (in exactly a week's time) and this is usually when I look around for some deals for the LO and my wife. One way you can save is by using cashback applications like Shopback! By clicking on the link, you can receive $5 (with a min. spend of $20) Shopback has been one of my go-to apps because it has a really extensive list of retailers and shops and this is not limited to only online retailers. 

Share with me your other promos and tips for the upcoming 11.11 sale!

SG FI Dad, out.

ICYMI: Google Pay Promo

  Just a quick heads-up to everyone who might have missed out on the Google Pay promotion. You can still get CASHBACK when you Paynow your f...